Sunday, June 13, 2010

Prodical #1

This is the main painting that has taken up my head space for the last 3 months.
I'm open to suggestions for the writing on the plaque.
At this stage it's " Flippin' Heck. Where's Davey-Joe?"

Oil / Stain on Hardboard
Dimensions: 112 x 96 cm
Number 1 in a series of 6

Friday, June 11, 2010

Detail from Prodical #1

Work in Progress

The Process

There's no way my brain can constantly come up with these on it's own. Collage is a definite part of the process. I'm intrigued as to what will emerge next!
The flat backgrounds are successful in themselves.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Reference Images

Underworld 3 Concept Art

Those mosaics have to be the most fun I've ever had on set...Summer '08
Unless you count gazing at Mt Cook every lunchtime.

The Eye

I didn't consider early enough that 27% of New Zealand will have only one association with this image.

Only allowed myself a #3 paint brush...still took just as much time though. Go figure

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hand Studies

Hands have to be the hardest thing to pull off correctly...if I ever paint a perfect hand I'm sure it says in the rulebook that I will have to be diagnosed as mentally insane.
In the meantime, I shall use distracting techniques such as metalic backgrounds and other mutations to keep it ticking over.


I want more happening along the lines of this...
There's something about the vulnerability portrayed that justifies a second glance. That weekend was a mindspace on it's own.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I don't want to be perceived as irreverent or blasphemous in any way. I simply have a desire to find the quirky and grotesque in every situation. As a result there are examples of me taking the Bible very literally.

Flat in Hillsborough

These two pieces follow me everywhere.. I can't seem to lose them!

"Choeography in Oil" 2003.
It took two years to dry properly...I imagine it shall survive a nuclear war.

"Monet in motion" 2005
I am yet to walk around the courner to find the space where this painting truely belongs. That is the space where I belong.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Self Portrait April 2010

Patricia Puccinini

The sculpures Patricia Puccinini produce are beautifully intreeging. Im astounded at the workmanship gone into making something so serene yet uniquely repulsive. I couldn't leave this exhibition for the longest time. Why are they so content? Why do they belong? Why can't I capture that?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This has potential as a background for Absolom.
Or maybe a fake mosaic.
An experiment that happened very quickly: water/black shield/ turps on plastered MDF board, with indian ink detail.
March 2010

Name tags at Dubby's wedding

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nicky Hoberman

Probably my biggest influence this year is Nicky Hoberman.
I love the compositions, the moments she captures. The way you can't look away, your eye constantly drawn to the white of the iris.
The awkwardness of the figures makes me consider the fact she probably doesn't like children at all.

I want to capture this awkwardness in my own work, draw the eye in for a double take with the precision abd not let them look away even though the subject may be repulsive to the viewer.