Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blackberry Billboard

Stills shot in Westmere August 2010

Great Studio
Plastered up in front of St Lukes

Thanks Grace

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Slip Casting

Clay / Glaze

On show in the bin .
Everybody exhibits trash at some point. My turn was simply a little later in life.

Time Series: Family Portrait

Clay / Acrylic / Shellac / Glaze

Set on the Church Aisle.

Taken over a 30 year period at 5 year intervals.

Next showing: 2015

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Bungalow 6

"Dolly and the Cow"

Oil and Stain on Cork board.
Each piece 20cm x 40cm

On show at Long Black Cafe 23.08.10 - 03.09.10